What is Bikram yoga?

Bikram Yoga is a series of 26 hatha yoga postures (asanas) done in a specific order over 90 minutes in a room heated to just above body temperature. The series was brought to the US over 30 years ago by Bikram Choudhury, and is now taught globally by hundreds of certified instructors.

This full body workout positively affects every muscle, every joint, every organ in your body.

For 90 minutes you are giving your mind and body the best therapy possible!

Exercise Benefits

People find a variety of benefits from Bikram yoga including weight loss, injury healing, immune system improvement, increased flexibility, and stress reduction. Athletes see improvement in performance, but yoga is one of the few forms of exercise that you can do at any age, shape or level of fitness.

Many of the most valued benefits are beyond the body - such as helping with concentration and relieving depression or anxiety. Your practice will truly benefit you, inside and and out, top to bottom. And although it is a serious workout - it really is fun!

Bikram yoga, done faithfully (minimum 3x week), can increase your wellness in the following areas:

increased flexibility
increased energy & strength
improved muscle tone
relieve back pain
increased cell renewal
clean pores
accelerated injury recovery
regulate appetite
healthy weight loss
increased blood circulation
relieve arthritis
increased lung capacity
flush lymphatic system
detox liver and kidneys

improved thyroid function
aid digestion
improved joint mobility
overall sense of well being
ability to relax and sleep more soundly
improve discipline
greater level of patience
disperse negativity
encourages spiritual evolution
improved mental clarity
revitalize nerves
balance hormones
make new friends
a body that defies your age

Cholesterol in the blood gets regulated, and also gets blasted out of the arteries and veins; oxygen and nutrients are supplied to parts of the body that have been in "cold storage", toxins are eliminated; the central nervous system is both energized and boosted. Sexual vitality and fertility is improved. The internal organs and endocrine glands are brought back into balance and peak efficiency. The body's travel and communications channels are reopened and strengthened. The joints are opened and lubricated. The muscles are strengthened, toned, and made more flexible. And you lose weight. By stretching the muscles you are working on the cellular level to reorganize and reorganization on the cellular level helps the body to operate at peak efficiency, which also leads to greater energy.


The unique sequence of 26 hatha yoga postures that are performed twice in each class. The Bikram series includes the most medicinal hatha yoga postures to help reshape and heal your body.

  1. Standing Deep Breathing, Sanskrit Name: Pranayama, is good for mental relaxation, helps high blood, relieves irritability, helps disturbed sleep, good for detoxification, exercises nervous, respiratory and circulatory systems.
  2. Half Moon Pose, Sanskrit Name: Arda-Chandrasana with Pada Hastasana, works whole skeletal and circulatory systems, opens shoulder joints, good for frozen shoulders, relieves lower back pain, good for abdominal obesity, relieves bronchial distress, good for sciatic deformities, improves cell division, stimulates pituitary gland, exercises colon, pancreas, kidneys, muscular-skeletal, respiratory and glandular systems. 
  3. Awkward Pose, Sanskrit Name: Utkatasana, improves overall body strength, opens pelvis, relieves menstrual cramping, shapes lower muscles, uses all major muscle groups, cuts fat pocket under butt, aligns skeletal system, good for digestion, good for joint pain, good for immune disorders, good for arthritis of knees, improves flexibility in toes and ankles, relieves sciatica, exercises liver, intestines and pancreas.
  4. Eagle Pose, Sanskrit Name: Garurasana, provides more joint work (bigger joints), stretches central nervous system, creates pressure on lymphatic glands, strengthens lower extremities, helps joint mobility at hip girdle and12 other major joints of body, improves balance, good for varicose veins.
  5. Standing Head To Knee, Sanskrit Name: Dandayamana-Janushirasana, is good for mental strength, improves concentration, realizes oneness of mind and body, uses all major muscle groups and internal organs (primary-digestive, secondary digestive), improves circulation and flexibility, good for diabetes, improves pancreatic functions, strengthens back muscles.
  6. Standing Bow Pulling Pose, Sanskrit Name: Dandayamana-Dhanurasana, is a great cardiovascular challenge, increases circulation to heart and lungs, opens diaphragm, good for frozen shoulders, improves elasticity of spine (by compression), creates marriage between strength and balance, activates digestive system, helps cure infertility, eliminates abdominal fat, helps prostrate problems.
  7. Balancing Stick, Sanskrit Name: Tuladandasana, cardiovascular, increases blood flow to all over body and arteries of heart, clears blocked arteries, prevents future cardiac problems, total spine stretch, relieves stress from spine, great for emotional problems, good for varicose veins, builds strength in lower extremities, exercises pancreas, liver, spleen, nervous and circulatory systems.
  8. Standing Separate Leg Stretching, Sanskrit Name: Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada Paschimotthanasana, increases circulation to brain, good for pychotic depressions, centering and stretching of spine where nervous system is housed, good to relieve constipation, good for abdominal obesity, good for diabetes and hyperacidity, increases circulation to adrenal glands, releases lower back, exercises muscular, adrenal and reproductive systems.
  9. Triangle Pose, Sanskrit Name: Trikanasana, cardiovascular, major side stretching, opens hips, centres the self, good for kidneys, thyroid and adrenal glands, good for frozen shoulders, rids saddlebags, build muscle, nerves and tissue strength, helps balance chemical imbalances, helps anorexia, constipation, colitis, low blood pressure, appendicitis, spondylitis and PMS, works all muscular systems at same time.
  10. Standing Separate Leg/Head To Knee, Sanskrit Name: Dandayamana-Bibhaktapada Janushirasana, helps depression and loss of memory, helps abdominal obesity, helps diabetes, balances blood sugar, compresses pancreas and kidneys, exercises endocrine, digestive and reproductive systems.
  11. Tree Pose, Sanskrit Name: Tadasana, corrects bad posture, creates hip and knee mobility, creates total body traction, balances coccyx, tightens gluteus maximus, releases abdominal tension, releases inflammation of lower back, good for circulatory disorders, arthritis and rheumatism.
  12. Toe Stand, Sanskrit Name: Padangustasana, creates balance in body and mind, strengthens stomach muscles, strengthens weak joints, good for arthritis in knees and legs.
  13. Corpse Pose, Sanskrit Name: Savasana, returns cardiovascular circulation to normal, slows heart rate, reduces blood pressure, and teaches complete relaxation, stills and focuses the mind.
  14. Wind Removing Pose, Sanskrit Name: Pavanamuktasana, is good for constipation, flatulence and hyperacidity, relieves low back pain, good for abdominal muscles - helps tone abdominal wall, massages ascending, descending and transverse colon, prevents hard stool from parastaltic stomach activity, normalises HCL acid.
  15. Sit-Up with Double Exhale, Sanskrit Name: NA, tones Abdominal Muscles and re-energizes the system.
  16. Cobra Pose, Sanskrit Name: Bhujangasana, compresses and opens spine, strengthens lower, mid and upper spine, creates more elasticity in entire spine, increases tone of muscle fibers, accelerates circulation of synovial fluid, holds vertebrae in position, relieves cervical spondylosis.
  17. Locust Pose, Sanskrit Name: Salabhasana, compresses and opens spine, strengthens lower, mid and upper spine, creates more elasticity in whole spine, increases tone of muscle fibres, accelerates circulation of synovial fluid, holds vertebrae in position, relieves cervical spondylosis.
  18. Full Locust, Sanskrit Name: Poona Salabhasana, compresses and opens spine, strengthens lower, mid and upper spine, creates more elasticity in whole spine, increases tone of muscle fibres, accelerates circulation of synovial fluid, holds vertebrae in position, relieves cervical spondylosis.
  19. Bow Pose, Sanskrit Name: Dhanurasana, compresses and opens spine, strengthens lower, mid and upper spine, creates more elasticity in whole spine, increases tone of muscle fibres, accelerates circulation of synovial fluid, holds vertebrae in position, relieves cervical spondylosis.
  20. Fixed Firm Pose, Sanskrit Name: Supta Vajrasana, greases joints (by putting pressure on joints against gravity), forms abdominal muscles, more stretching in hip joints and diaphragm, relieves lower back pain, good for knees, slims thighs helps sciatica, rheumatism, gout, diabetes and varicose veins.
  21. Half Tortoise Pose, Sanskrit Name: Ardha Kurmasana, relieves stress, migraines, stomach discomfort, digestion problems and constipation, improves shoulder girdle, sends blood from knees to toes and to the brain, stretches spine, increases circulation to heart, cures insomnia, stretches lower lungs - good for asthma, increases flexibility in hips, brain gets oxygen.
  22. Camel Pose, Sanskrit Name: Ustrasana, compresses spine, helps cure back problems, opens rib cage, heart, lungs and digestive system, stimulates nervous system, great for lungs and any problem in bronchial plexus, strengthens back and shoulder muscles, improves flexibility of neck, stretches throat, sends fresh blood to kidneys, eliminates toxins.
  23. Rabbit Pose, Sanskrit Name: Sasangasana, helps to cure insomnia, depression, colds, sinus, tonsillitis, laryngitis, allergies and glandular defects, compresses thyroid, balances hormones, improves flexibility of scapula, stimulates nerves behind eyes.
  24. Separate Leg Stretching Head To Knee, Sanskrit Name: Janushirasana Paschimotthasana, stimulates thymus, digestion and immune system.
  25. Spine Twisting, Sanskrit Name: Ardha Matsyendrasana, compresses and stretches spine, improves elasticity and flexibility, detoxifying, opens bronchial muscles and rib cage, good for abs, prevents slipped discs, increases circulation to spinal nerves, veins and tissues, relieves back pain and deformity in lumbar region of spine, helps arthritis of knee and sciatica, massages kidneys, liver, gall bladder, spleen and pancreas.
  26. Blowing in Firm (Breath of Fire), Sanskrit Name: Kapalabhati-Vajrasana, detoxifying - cleansing life force, brings mental clarity, forms abs, normalises bowels energises body, improves oxygenation to body, increases circulation, good for heart, high blood pressure and respiration.

Who is Bikram?

Who is Bikram Chodhury? For three consecutive years Bikram won the coveted title of National Yoga Champion of India, after which his name was withdrawn from competition because just his presence was intimidating to the other contestants. He has been declared the best yogi of the 20th century, and he has taught in over 200 universities around the world. He has been called the world's foremost and most knowledgeable yoga teacher. A board of forty doctors from the Department of Health, Education and Welfare has approved his credentials. On his first trip to America in 1971, he was sponsored by the American Medical Association. Bikram also won gold medals (and set records still unbroken) in weightlifting during the 1964 Olympic Games. He has branches of his Yoga College in over 33 countries.

Come sweat, strain, and laugh and do more for your health, body and general well being than you ever imaged possible! 

For Men Only

Strength, Flexibility, and Balance

How much time or money do you invest in .....

- Increased Lung Capacity?
- Colon?
- Reflux?
- Spine Flexibility?
- Brain (the biggest erogenous zone in your body)?

We're cocky about our cardiac care regimen

- Low Fat Diet?
- Aerobic Exercise?
- Tendonitis if shoulder, elbow, wrist?
- Stress reduction?

What? Us worry?

We even do weight training and regular check-ups.  We're poster boys for heart health and every conceivable preventative edge, right?


says heart surgeon Dr G. Lemole, M.D. Many men overlook an additional line of defense. Optimizing the lymphatic function is an OPPORTUNITY UNSEIZED. It's another way to take care of our tickers. "The lymph system is the river of life, a river nobody knows."

Bikram Yoga can help you optimize your lymphatic system

Exercise for Kids

Kids love yoga!
In addition to increased flexibility, coordination and strength of both body and mind, children who practice yoga often experience increased self-esteem and are better able to handle stress in their lives. Tests, homework, sports schedules?

  2. Increase focus, concentration, and attention span
  3. Cultivate positive self-esteem
  4. Learn to relax and sleep more soundly
  5. Greater sense of peace and contentment